Strengthen upper back muscles: cable reverse fly

The reverse fly is a classic move! A great choice for beginners!

The reverse fly is mainly used to exercise our shoulder abductor muscles: the upper and lower trapezius muscles, rhomboids, rear deltoid muscles, etc.!

Usually we use elastic bands, tensioners and fixed equipment as resistance to perform reverse flyes!


1. Stand facing the tensioner and grasp the handle with both hands! Extend your arms to 70 degrees and raise them to both sides of your body

2. Bend the elbow slightly and fix it Retract your elbows and shoulders to abduct and lift your arms! When the abduction is in line with the body, stay for one second! Squeeze your shoulder blades and feel your upper back and rear delts tighten! Then restore with control!

4 groups of 10-15 per group.


1. This is an action to improve shoulder external rotation and scapular retraction, but it is not suitable for beginners or people with poor body perception. For poor people, it may not be easy to catch the action. It is recommended to start with empty hands

2. The action should be carried out in a controlled manner. Do not use inertia, but let your upper back actively work!

3. Use the shoulder clamping method to tighten the cable outward (shoulder blades are retracted). Remember, instead of applying force with your palms, wrists or arms, you should press your shoulders back. Ideally, your shoulder blades can hold a pen!

4. The spine should be kept naturally upright during the movement, especially the lumbar spine. To avoid lumbar extension, it should be avoided as much as possible when performing movements.

(Note: < /span>FollowFitness Ba WeChat public platform, search for "Fitness Bar Network" or "Click to scan and follow”)

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