The leg muscles are the muscles we often use, but when we exercise, we often exercise the upper body. This will lead to an imbalance of muscles in the upper and lower body, so we still have to exercise the leg muscles. Then we will introduce a comprehensive list of leg muscle training exercises. Let’s check it out together!
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Barbell Squat
To start, place the barbell on the upper part of your trapezius, with your feet shoulder-width apart (depending on your body proportions), your toes pointed slightly outward, and your hips extended back when you squat, as if you were sitting on a bench. , this will cause the hamstrings to contract to support the knee joint, down to parallel to the ground. If you want to do a deep squat, you can go beyond parallel.
Barbell Hack Squat
This looks like a reverse deadlift, but it targets more of the quadriceps. You need to lower your body and keep your torso straight, this is critical. To ensure better quadriceps stimulation, you need to hold the exercise with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. In this movement, make sure to extend your hips back and stand up through the push of your legs.
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Hamstring Curls
Keep the bent position, slowly retract the calf, fully feel the strength of the hamstring muscles, keep the hamstring muscles tight throughout the process, try to persist, and when the limit is reached, slowly lower the calf to the initial position. Another thing to note is that don't extend your legs too straight when you put them down.
Romanian deadlift
This is a very good isolated hamstring training exercise. Although the word "deadlift" is in the name, this exercise does not start with a deadlift. The starting position of the barbell is probably in the middle of the thigh, with both hands and shoulders. Hold the bar in your forearm, with your feet as wide as your hips. Keep your toes pointing straight ahead. At the same time, you need to keep your spine straight throughout the process. Place the barbell on your thighs and slowly lower it to give your hamstrings sufficient strength. After stretching, quickly exert force to return to the starting position.