Develop Shoulder Strength: Overloaded Barbell Overhead Hold

Develop shoulder strength: Overload BarbellOverhead support!

Shoulder strength is very important among those who are keen on strength training. In weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, and other strength training purposes, good shoulder muscle strength is guaranteed The key to your achievement!

The best way to improve shoulder muscle strength is the vertical press. The most common way is the barbell shoulder press! Especially the standing posture is the best for shoulder and core strength

However, the traditional shoulder press may not be particularly ideal if you do it for a long time. In order to make a better breakthrough in your shoulder strength, Maybe it’s time for you to try something new!

What I want to introduce to you today is a very good movement to help you improve your shoulder strength

Overload barbell overhead support

Carry out The most difficult part of the shoulder press is actually the lifting stage. Most people's weight is stuck in the concentric contraction, but in fact, at the top of the movement and the lowering stage (eccentric contraction), they can actually bear more weight!

This technique is to add overload at the top of the movement, and then perform static contraction to allow your shoulders to bear stronger tension. Your shoulder muscles need to work hard when lifting overhead. Come to work supporting the barbell and keeping it stable!

Most people only care about the process of lifting and lowering, but they don’t know that static isometric contraction can also help you improve muscle strength

This method is good for increasing shoulder strength and core stability. Very powerful, it is a good choice for trainers who want to improve their shoulder pressing strength!

The following is an action demonstration:

Choose a heavy enough load. This load generally exceeds your shoulder pressing strength by 2-30%, and then put the deep Set the safety pin of the squat rack to the highest point (stand straight and raise your arms)

Support the barbell in an overhead squat position, then hold it for about 10 seconds, and then lower the barbell to the safety rack!


This technique is more suitable for people with good training foundation, and it is very challenging. It is recommended to use it according to your ability!

You need to squeeze your buttocks and tighten your abdomen desperately to stabilize your lumbar spine and pelvis (very important)