Shoulder Pain Tips

In this article you will learn some great tips to reduce the chance of chronic or acute shoulder pain.

Shoulder pain is very painful as it has many nerve ending running through the upper shoulder girdle area and affects almost all upper body exercises. There are many ways to reduce e and treat shoulder pain, that will keep you on track to achieve your long-term fitness goals. The key is to find consistency within your program and to listen to your body.Here are some tips to help avoid chronic and acute back pain:

???? Be sure to do a proper warm-up every time before a workout and/or activity and then a proper stretching cool-down routine after..

???? Adopt a daily mobility routine to keep your joints strong and mobile in all the directions that they can be asked to move on a daily basis.

???? Incorporate strength training into your weekly routine to build a good base of strength that will allow you to do daily activities effectively.

???? Focus on proper technique when exercising to reduce injuries and to get the optimal results from your workout.

???? When an injury does occur be sure to listen to your body. Take a break, have it properly assessed by a professional, apply ice as needed and then follow your prescribed program religiously.

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