Core tip:In the gym, you should do more and talk less. Often the truly strong people don't often say how powerful they are in front of others, but you will feel it from their training.
Arnold said: "You have to talk less. Just like if you drive a BMW at 110 hours on the highway, you have to show your speed to others. But when others drive a Ferrari or Lamborghini, they accelerate to 170 hours at any time but only drive 60 speed."

Spend your time training more. How much has your strength increased by today?
Day 44: Shoulders, hands, abdomen
1 to 10 exhaustion methods:
After warming up, find the only weight you can lift once and do one set, then find the weight you can lift twice and do one set, then find the weight you can lift three times and do one set, and so on until you can lift ten Do a set of 100 times of weight. This is a very cruel method with no rest in between. The only time you take a break is when you put down the equipment. I like this technique best, it has a huge impact on the muscles!
Shoulders: span>
Neck press: 10 groups, 4 times each, rest for 45 seconds.
Super group (A+B):
a Arnold press: 5 sets of 8 reps.
B side raise: 5 groups, 8 times each.
Super group (A+B):

a Dumbbell upright row: 5 groups, 6 times each.
B Sitting posture bent over side raise: 5 Sets of 12 reps each.
Barbell curl: 8 groups, the first 5 groups are 8 times each, and the last 3 groups are 5 times each.
Super group (A+B):
a intensive curl: 5 groups, each Set 6 times.
bSeated Dumbbell Curl: 5 groups, 6 reps per set.
Narrow widthBarbell bench press: Use 1-10 failure training method.
Super group (A+B):
< br style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; text-align: center;" />
A supine arm flexion and extension: 5 Sets of 15 reps each.
b Single-arm dumbbell arm extension: 5 groups, 15 times each.
Forearm strong>
Super group (A+B):
A: Overhand wrist curls5 groups, 12 times in each group. Rest for 45 seconds
bReverse grip wrist curl: 5 sets , 12 times each group, rest for 45 seconds.
Abdomen:< /strong>
Sit up Sit: 5 groups, 25 times each. Rest for 45 seconds