In fitness exercises, some exercises exercise the calves, and some exercises exercise the thighs. Of course, these fitness actions have many benefits, but some people don’t know what the fitness exercises are for exercising the calves. Of course, some people do. So, what are some calf exercise exercises? Let’s take a look at the fitness moves below!
Standing Heel Raises
On the Smith machine, hold the bar with your palms facing forward and the width of the bar. At the shoulders, place the barbell behind the shoulders, tighten your abdomen, tighten your waist, lift your chest, keep your body upright, and straighten your knees. Then inhale, lift your heels up as high as possible, and pause for 3 to 4 seconds. Then exhale, slowly return, and repeat the exercise. Pay attention not to bend your knees or body when completing the movement; control the center of gravity and do not move forward intentionally, otherwise the effect will be extremely poor. You can place a bell under the forefoot to prevent the center of gravity from moving forward.
The feeling during calf exercises is very obvious. Don’t be fooled by the soreness at the beginning. The focus of calf exercise should be on the number of repetitions. You have to persist until you can no longer get up to have the effect of exercise; in addition, the movements must be standard, so that the stimulation of the calves will be more obvious.
Calf push
Lie on your back or recline under the leg press bench, stand on the weight plate with both feet, straighten both knees; push up with the soles of the forefoot, similar to an inversion Pick up the bell. Breathe naturally, taking one breath without making a movement.
Lift the forefoot upwards fully and stay at the highest point for about 2 seconds. During this action, the thighs remain motionless during the pushing process, and the contraction of the triceps surae is mainly used to push the forefoot upward or forward on the pedal. There are several forms of calf push, such as supine, inclined grip, and horizontal. It is usually done on the leg press equipment in the gym.
Single-leg heel raise
Standing on a step or block Hold a dumbbell in one hand, using your free hand for balance. Use the balls of your feet to step on the steps with your heels in the air. Contract your calf muscles and lift your body up. Fully contract your calves at the highest point. Then lower as low as possible to fully stretch the muscles.
Supine Leg Press
Sit on the leg press, lean your hips against the incline pad, and place your feet on the footrest about shoulder width apart . Grasp the handle and apply pressure from your heels to release the safety catch. Your knees should be slightly bent at the beginning of the movement.
Inhale and slowly lower the weight until the knee joint reaches 90 degrees and stop. Pause briefly, then forcefully press the weight up through your heels to return to the starting position as you press past the midpoint of the movement.Begin to exhale.