The seated chest press is a more popular fitness method nowadays, and the bench press is a more classic movement. They are both training for the chest, but many bodybuilders have questions about these two movements. They divide them into If you don’t know the difference between the two, today we will talk about which one is better, seated chest press or bench press.
Which is better, seated chest press or bench press?
With the same training volume, Barbell bench press is more effective in building muscle. In practice, the two movements can be done together. Do the bench press first. Locking the shoulders, lowering the shoulders and raising the chest are always subjective controls and giving up on vanity. This seated chest press is the same as the barbell. On the seated chest press machine, I also see many people exerting their strength to breastfeed, and then their shoulders follow. Similarly, I have also seen many uncles and coaches who have practiced very well, using chest presses to explode after a few sets of barbells. Beginners can first push their chest to find a feeling, but they must not avoid the barbell.
Which is better for chest training, the seated chest press or the bench press?
The seated chest press is not an exercise mainly targeting the lower chest. If you want to be more targeted, To train the lower chest contour, you can practice chest clamping and barbell oblique pressing, which are more obvious for the muscles of the lower chest.
The seated chest press mainly exercises the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid muscles, triceps brachii and other parts, which can effectively stretch the chest and create a perfect chest muscle curve. Each group of seated chest press is 8 to 15 times, and you need to do 3 to 5 groups. You can rest for 1 to 2 minutes in each group. It can effectively improve the feeling of chest muscles and improve the strength of shoulder joints, elbow joints and wrist joints. Lay a solid foundation for future dumbbell barbell bench press exercises.