Which muscles do seated dips and extensions work?

In training exercises, seated arm flexion and extension is an exercise with many effects, and it is also an easy exercise. Of course, if you often do seated arm flexion and extension, it will have many benefits for the body, but if you want to have these benefits, you must do it correctly Action essentials are very important. So, which muscles do seated dips and extensions work? Let’s find out together below.

Seated arm flexion and extension

Where to do seated arm extensions

Mainly exercise the triceps and chest muscles.

Essentials of seated arm flexion and extension movements

First of all, adjust the height of the pastor's chair. After sitting back on the pastor's chair, the top edge of the pastor's chair rests against the lower edge of the shoulder blades. Open your feet naturally, hold the crank barbell with both hands in a narrow grip position, lift the barbell above your head, with your elbow joints facing forward, while your upper arms are perpendicular to the ground, then take a deep breath, bend your elbow joints at the same time, move the barbell down, and lower it Go to the deepest position, breathe hard, and straighten your arms. When your arms are about to be straightened, slow down and slowly straighten your elbow joints, and then repeat the exercise.

Seated arm flexion and extension exercise frequency and time

Seated arm flexion and extension exercises are only suitable for moderate-intensity exercises, so practice 4-6 groups each time and practice 8-12 times per group. .

Precautions for seated arm flexion and extension

The first point is to always pay attention to the feeling of the elbow joint. Especially when you first start practicing seated arm flexion and extension, the elbow joint is very easy to be injured. If you feel a lot of pressure on your elbow joint, you should stop and rest immediately before practicing again. The second point is that the direction of the elbow joint must remain forward whether during movement or recovery. Otherwise, not only will the triceps not be exercised, but the elbow joint will be easily injured. The third is that the position of the head must be stable. The neck muscles can easily borrow force when exerting force. Since the neck can bear limited pressure, excessive force on the neck will cause cervical sprain.