Day 5: Shoulders, calves and abs fitness plan

Study Tips:

This fitness plan is translated from the BODYGUILDING website and is guided by coach Chris. The teaching process lasts for 12 weeks, with a total of 84 days of fitness exercise plan.
The plan is aimed at people who lose weight and gain muscle, and is suitable for exercising in the gym. If you are exercising at home, you can use the relevant part movements instead.
This set of plans will guide you step by step to strengthen yourself. I believe that through this study, you will be able to arrange your own fitness plan freely in the future.

Yesterday, a member reported a problem through MuscleNet WeChat: jirou5. I would like to ask if this program is only for fat people? How to train if you are thin?

Here I tell members, if you are a beginner, you can follow this plan, but you must remove the aerobic running part. And control the maximum number of back and forth to 10-12 times. The number of groups is controlled at 3 groups.

Some members also reported that they could not understand the plan. Then the video below will help you understand the exercise process.

Day 5: shoulders, calves andAbs


20 minutes

Seated Barbell Press

2 warm-up groups, 6-8 times each

3 groups, 6-8 times

lateral raise

Side raise

1 warm-up set, 12-15 times

3 groups, 12-15 times

Barbell Standing Rowing
Barbell upright row

3 sets, 7 times

This movement adopts the 21S-7 training method

7 groups: 30 seconds apart between each group.
Prone Side Raise
Prone side raise

7 groups, 12-15 times

Super set: sit-ups + seated calf raises


3 groups, 15-20 times

Sitting calf raise

3 groups, 20 times

Superset: Do the upper and lower movements in a row, that is, complete one set of reps and then do the next set of specified reps without resting in between. Rest when you're done and then do the process again.

3 sets of standing calf raises, 18-20 times each - one foot

Standing calf raise

3 groups, 18-20 times each—single leg


20 minutes

Nutritional supplement before and after exercise