Back Shoulder Training: Ring Reverse Flyes!

< strong>Reverse fly is a classic move! Usually we perform reverse flyes using dumbbells, resistance bands, cable machines and stationary machines as resistance!

It is mainly used to exercise our shoulder abductor muscles: upper and lower trapezius, rhomboids, rear deltoid muscles, etc.! The following is an illustration of sports anatomy:

Today I will introduce you to using rings to perform reverse fly training!

Advantages of using hanging rings!

Use your own body weight to train the back shoulders and upper back muscles while developing whole-body coordination and improving core strength!

Action process

Using hanging rings! Hang the rings from the bar! The handle is about 1 meter above the ground. Hold the handle with your hands shoulder-width apart and overhand.

Body posture: Point your toes upward, heels on the ground, tighten your abdomen and buttocks, keep your shoulders, back, hips, and legs in a straight line as much as possible to keep your trunk stable.

Action process: Bend the arm, fix the elbow, and draw the shoulder back to abduct and lift the arm! When the abduction is in line with the body, stay for one second! Squeeze your shoulder blades and feel your upper back and rear delts tighten!

Number of exercises: 10-15 times * 4 groups.


1. The closer the body is to parallel to the ground, the more difficult it will be, and vice versa. It is recommended that beginners start simple!

2. The movements should be carried out in a controlled manner. Do not use inertia, but let your upper back and posterior shoulder muscles actively work!

3. Keep the spine stable and neutral during movements, and avoid hunching or hyperextension of the lumbar spine