How to exercise diamond calves? There are many exercises. Among the exercises, some are very effective and some are not so effective. There are certain things to pay attention to when exercising diamond calves, such as correct exercises. . So, what are the diamond calf exercises? Let’s take a look at the actions below!
Barbell Squat
To begin, place the barbell on the upper trapezius muscles. The distance between the two feet should be shoulder width (depending on the individual body proportions), the toes should be pointed slightly outward, and the hips should be extended backwards when squatting, as if sitting on a bench. This will cause the hamstrings to contract to support the knee joints. Go down until you are parallel to the floor, or above if you want to do a deep squat.
When you start, you need to take a big step forward, with the heel of your front foot touching the ground and the toes of your back foot touching the ground. After reaching this position, bend your back leg and keep your knee close to the ground. You can also touch the ground lightly to achieve the maximum range of motion, then use your front leg to push your body up, then step out with the other leg and repeat. Keep the center of gravity of your upper body in the neutral position of your legs and control your core.
Standing Heel Raises
On the Smith machine, hold the bar with your hands palms facing forward and width apart At the shoulders, place the barbell behind the shoulders, tighten your abdomen, tighten your waist, lift your chest, keep your body upright, and straighten your knees. Then inhale, lift your heels up as high as possible, and pause for 3 to 4 seconds. Then exhale, slowly return, and repeat the exercise. Pay attention not to bend your knees or body when completing the movement; control the center of gravity and do not move forward intentionally, otherwise the effect will be extremely poor. You can place a bell under the forefoot to prevent the center of gravity from moving forward.
Calf push
Lie on your back or recline under the leg press bench, stand on the weight plate with both feet, straighten both knees; push up with the soles of the forefoot, similar to an inversion Pick up the bell. Breathe naturally, taking one breath without making a movement.